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Lightning eCommerce Stores Optimised to Load in 0.5 Seconds or less
Our eCommerce Stores

Fully Custom Lightning Fast eCommerce Stores

The average eCommerce store takes 8.6 seconds to load on mobile in 2024. Ours load in less than 0.5 Seconds.

Speed Matters: Google reccomend your website should load in less than 3 seconds on mobile devices - and say faster is always better. Our custom eCommerce stores for small businesses in Christchurch and across New Zealand are meticulously engineered to load in less than 0.5 seconds.

We offer completely custom coded eCommerce websites - no templates or CMS, our eCommerce stores are optimised to outperform every website built with Shopify or WordPress.

  • Faster Websites Win

    Our eCommerce Stores load in 0.5 Seconds or less

  • Perfect Google Score

    Our eCommerce stores score 100/100 on Googles Performance Metric

  • Over 40% of online shoppers In New Zealand abandon a website if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load
  • 76% of online shoppers are on mobile devices, so we optimise for mobile first
  • For every second Walmart improved their Page Load Speed, Conversions Improved by 2%
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eCommerce Pricing

Top Quality eCommerce Stores at Affordable Rates

Request a Quote

For our dynamic, fully custom eCommerce stores we will give a fully custom quote. Each eCommerce project is unique, don't hesitate to get in touch for a free, no obligation quote for your high performing, lightning fast eCommerce store.

If you're ready to take your online business to the next level with a fully custom coded eCommerce store, let's get started with a custom eCommerce experienced built to outperform every CMS store online.

  • Lightning Fast loading in less than 0.5 Seconds
  • 100/100 on Googles Performance Metric
  • Advanced Conversion Rate Optimisation to boost your bottom line
  • Coded & Optimised by hand line by line