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Pricing for Improving load Speed and Core Web Vitals

Lightning Fast Websites Scoring 100/100 in Googles Performance Metrics

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Start Here: Read Our Blog on Improving your Websites Speed and Performance Metrics

If your website is slow and bogged down with poor load speeds, enormous First-Contentful-Paint and Largest-Contentful-Paint's, huge JavaScript files and so on, we can help. We can quantifiably improve both your website load speed and your Google Core Web Vitals. Not only can this greatly help with user retention and conversions, but can also help Google more efficiently index your website, greatly boosting your Search Engine Ranking.

  • Improved Overall Load Speed
  • Excellent Core Web Vitals
  • Speed Up First/Largest Contentful Paints
  • CSS & JS Minification
  • Improved Web Accessibility
  • Best Web Practices